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Sunday, September 21, 2008

True Blood Season 1

Episode 1: Strange Love

Opening with two young adults driving down the road they see a sign selling Tru Blood. After a short confrontation with a vampire they take off.
Next, Sookie Stackhouse,a waitress at a local Bar notices a vampire who walks in. After locking eyes with the vampire she confronts him asking his order. The vampire asks for Tru Blood but due to a lack of vampire activity there isn't any in stock.
Soon Sookie runs out of the bar after the vampire and two people that lure the vampire outside. The two people are found draining the blood from the vampire. The blood is known to enhance the healing process in humans and give a bit of a sex boost.
Sookie saves the vampire, who introduced himself as Bill.

Episode 2: The First Taste

After Sookie gets saved by Bill she suffers a lot of injuries and Bill tries to save her "the Vampire way". The next day her brother is released from police custody and the bodies of Sookie's attackers are found. Later that day Bill goes to visit Sookie's family and gets a not so friendly welcome.

Episode 3: Mine
Bill introduces Sookie to some of his vampire friends while Tara is still troubled by her family and tries to find comfort at at LaFayette's.

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