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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Legend of the Seeker S01E04


Richard is unnerved to learn that the D'Harans have captured his birth village.

Richard returns to his birthplace in the village of Brennidon but is unnerved to find it under siege with D'Haran soldiers. Shock comes when a woman claims to be Richard's birth mother: Brigid and he has a brother, Mark. After witnessing a woman almost get killed for voicing her mind about Lord Rahl, Richard is determined to save his village. As every home is searched for the Seeker, Richard's brother locks him up and leads the guards to him. Having escaped, Richard leaves to get the aid from Zedd and Kahlan until being told that all mothers are being taken with the potential that one be the Seeker's and lure him out. Running back he confronts his brother and both devise a plan to save the village. Meanwhile, Zedd must convince a woman that the son she claims be his is not and finds assist in Kahlan to find the truth without her touch. In the process, Zedd reveals a dark secret he has kept hidden. When both find out where Richard is they rush off to Brennidon to where he's about to be executed with his own sword. Mark quickly kills the D'Haran as the town folk begin throwing food and objects at the D'Haran's. When Kahlan arrives both her and Richard fend off and kill the D'Haran's. Brigid claims not to be Richard's mother but that his real mother is out there somewhere and looking for him. As they leave, Zedd tells Kahlan that Richard must never know that he's Richard's grandfather.

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